TCP/IP API for Microsoft Windows

The KCM Core distribution contains the sock_api.dll file with a TCP/IP API for the Windows platform. You can use this library to send requests to a TCP/IP interface. A separate DLL sock_api64.dll is provided for 64-bit applications.

The TCP/IP API provides the following functions for submitting requests: SSubmitJob, SSubmitJobMsg, SSubmitJobEx4, and SSubmitJobEx5.

SSubmitJob is simplest to use, but supports only basic functionality. The SSubmitJobEx4 and SSubmitJobEx5 APIs support the SendFile, ReceiveFile, and ConvertCodepage commands on the Windows platform. For more information on SSubmitJobEx4 and SSubmitJobEx5, see SSubmitJobEx4 and SSubmitJobEx5 functions.

For use in single-threaded Windows GUI applications, the API function SSubmitJobMsg is provided. This function provides equivalent functionality to SSubmitJob, but performs the job submission in a separate thread, sending back job completion messages to a controlling window.