Images from the database or KCM Designer

The insert_image function can also be used to insert images from KCM Designer or base-64 encoded image data from variables that are obtained from the Data Backbone XML.

To insert an image from the Resources folder in KCM Designer, use the resource parameter. To insert base-64 encoded image data, use the base64data parameter. Using both parameters at the same time is not supported and results in an error.

An empty value for either parameter is ignored. If either the resource or the base64data parameter is used, and is not empty, the required filename parameter is ignored.

An example is provided here.

@(insert_image (filename:="signature";

This example inserts the Resource "CorporateLogo" from KCM Designer.

@(insert_image (filename:="signature";

The preceding example inserts a signature from image data in a Field in the Data Backbone.