
A FieldInfo object is passed on the onfieldchanged callback. It contains information about the changes made to the Field.

Make sure that the Content Wizard contains a Data Backbone item before the elements that refer to a Status Field. Otherwise, the events of the status_field and textblock_status_field type might not fire.

A FieldInfo object contains values for the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
type String Represents the type of the FieldInfo object. Either of the following:
  • normal_field

  • status_field

  • textblock_status_field

id String A unique identification of the Field that consists of the path in the Data Backbone up to and including the Field Set and the Field name.
dbbpath String The path to the Fieldset in the Data Backbone up to but not including the Status Fieldset itself.
fieldset String The name of the Fieldset.
field String The name of the Field.

A FieldInfo object can be of either of the following three types:

  • NormalFieldInfo

    Extends FieldInfo (type="normal_field"). It represents a field in the Data Backbone that is manipulated by a question in a QForm. It adds the following attribute:

    Name Type Description
    value String The value of the field.
  • StatusFieldInfo

    Extends FieldInfo (type="status_field"). It represents an optional element in a Content Wizard (Section or Text Block). It adds the following attribute:

    Name Type Description
    status Boolean Describes whether the element is selected.
  • TextBlockStatusFieldInfo

    Extends StatusFieldInfo ("textblock_status_field"). It represents an editable Text Block (either optional or not). It adds the following attribute:

    Name Type Description
    content String Base64-encoded KCM Text Block XML.