
Use the number_to_date function to convert a numerical date value into the ISO 8601 YYYYMMDD format based on a custom template.

 number_to_date ( date; template )

This function returns a value of type NUMBER.

The function has two parameters:

  1. date, type NUMBER. The date to be converted. Fractions are ignored.
  2. template, type TEXT. A template describing how to interpret date.

template is a mask describing how the digits in date must be interpreted. It must contain the following three components in the correct order:

  1. DD for the day part
  2. MM for the month part
  3. YY, YYY, or YYYY for the year part
  • YY represents a year in the 2000s (2000-2099).
  • YYY represents a year in the 1900s (1900-1999) for values between 0 and 99, or a year in the 2000s (2000-2099) for values between 100 and 199.
  • YYYY represents the year without further interpretation.

date is considered to be left-padded with 0's if the template requires more digits than the value of date provides. If a component is omitted from the template, the corresponding part in the result is set to 0. The result of the number_to_date function for invalid templates is undefined.


number_to_date (20150203; "YYYYDDMM") results in 20150302

number_to_date (150302; "YYMMDD") results in 20150302

number_to_date (150302; "YYYMMDD") results in 19150302

number_to_date (201503; "YYYYMM") results in 20150300

number_to_date (2015; "DDMMYYYY") results in 20150000