
To configure the CCM_Distribution standard process, you need to adjust the properties of the Distribution component.

Also, you can use the Distribution component configuration function to change the process behavior (see the section DistributeStack function in the Kofax Communications Manager Batch & Output Management Scripting Language Developer's Guide).

By default, distribution copies the print file generated during conversion and the XML description file created during distribution from the storage folder to the output folder. If the files with the same names already exist in the output folder, the script shows an error message, and if an error is encountered while saving the files, the cleanup of the already distributed files is performed so you can rerun the distribution.

By default, the folders reside here:

  • Storage: <deploy root>\KCM\Work\<KCM version>\Output Management\Storage
  • Output: <deploy root>\KCM\Work\<KCM version>\Output Management\Output

To change the locations, see Configure global settings for standard processes.

To override the default behavior, follow these steps:

  1. In the Navigator upper pane, select the folder. In the Navigator lower pane, find and double-click CCM_Distribution.

    The process appears in the central pane.

  2. Click Distribution Processing component in the lower central pane.
  3. In the Object Inspector pane on the right, configure the following Distribution properties, if applicable.

    • OnStackDistribute. The exit point script to use when distributing the stack.

      By default, the property is set to a sample pre-configured exit point called DistributeStack that scripts the default behavior of distribution. This sample exit point is shipped with the installation. For more information, see the section Configure the distribution functionality in the Kofax Communications Manager Batch & Output Management Scripting Language Developer's Guide.

    • OutputPath. The path in which the print files are saved.

      If you omit this property, the print files are saved to the default output folder.

  4. Click the Save button in the upper left corner to save the changes.

    The changes are saved in the process itself and only affect the Distribution component of CCM_Distribution.

General rules for Distribution

By default, the distribution script for Batch & Output Management cleans up the KCM Core sessions. To retain sessions for debugging, add the following parameter to the dp.ini file:


The configuration change comes into effect immediately and does not require restarting the Document Processors. This change also applies to the Communication and Electronic Delivery processes.

When sessions persist, you must remove the session directories manually, because Batch & Output Management does not remove them.