Compose interactive requests

The interactive web service calls give you the ability to start KCM ComposerUI for HTML5 composition run and obtain the result that the run produces.

Interactive requests require the implementation of a KCM ComposerUI for HTML5 web application contained in a default KCM installation. For details, see the Kofax Communications Manager ComposerUI for HTML5 JavaScript API Web Developer's Guide.

If you installed KCM with the ExampleWebApp!Install deployment parameter, a default web application is available. You can reach this application through the following URL, where <kcm server> and <port> are the server and port where KCM Interactive is deployed.

http(s)://<kcm server>:<port>/start/home.html 

This example link provides access to the login page of KCM Designer and also gives you the ability to run an example interactive template.

Start calls

You can start a new interactive run that produces a document pack with the ComposeDocumentPackInteractiveStart calls. See ComposeDocumentPackInteractiveStartV1 and ComposeDocumentPackInteractiveStartV2.

Suspend and resume calls

If the allowsuspend flag is passed on the ComposeDocumentPackInteractiveStart call, the user can suspend the session and resume it later. The CCMInteractive V2 contract type contains two calls that support this ability:

  1. ComposeInteractiveGetSuspendedSession. See ComposeInteractiveGetSuspendedSessionV1.
  2. ComposeInteractiveResumeSuspendedSession See ComposeInteractiveResumeSuspendedSessionV1.


To obtain the result of an interactive run, use the ComposeDocumentPackGet call. See ComposeDocumentPackGetV1.