Uninstall KCM Structure

This section describes how you can use RemoveKCM.exe to remove the KCM structure from a server.


RemoveKCM.exe is a command-line tool intended to remove the KCM structure from the server. You can find this tool in the <deploy root>\KCM\Programs\<version>\Management\Uninstall folder.

The tool work as follows:

  1. It removes the 5.8 folders from the <deploy root> folder. If 5.8 was the only KCM version installed, it also removes the <deploy root> folder itself.
  2. It removes the registration of KCM 5.8.

Before you start

Before you run the tool, make sure that the following prerequisites are met:

  1. All KCM components have been stopped and removed with their respective Stop and Remove tools.

This tool does not have any command-line parameters.