Use the ManageInstanceEnvironment tool

In KCM Core, the runtime settings are organized in a hierarchy, where the following levels exist:

  • Global level.

  • Environment level.

  • DID level. The database interface definitions levels located within an environment.

  • DID module level. These levels are located within a DID. Each DID has at least one default DID module. DID modules represent connection types that are used in templates.

For more information about DIDs and DID modules, see the Kofax Communications Manager DID Developer's Guide.

The runtime settings can be defined at each level. A setting that is assigned a value at one level can be overridden by a value at another level according to the following hierarchy:

  • If no value is found at the DID module level, the value at the DID level is used.

  • If no value is found at the DID level, the value at the environment level is used.

  • if no value is found at the environment level, the value at the global level is used.

  • If no value is found at the global level, the default value is used.

Use the ManageInstanceEnvironment tool to manage the environments, DIDs, and DID modules for KCM Core. With this tool, you can create your own environments, DIDs, and DID modules. Once these elements are created, you can use the ConfigureInstanceSettings tool to manage the runtime settings for them.