Apply correspondence rules

The correspondence rules are applied by the CCM_Communication standard process, after the Document Pack of a correspondence is composed. The rules are applied one by one on the input correspondence, in the order defined in the rule set.

Whenever a correspondence rule creates a new communication, the application of the correspondence rules is interrupted to apply all communication rules to the new communication. Once the communication rules are applied, a summary of the final version of the communication is attached to the input correspondence, and the application of correspondence rules resumes.

The correspondence rules are applied to an XML serialization of the input correspondence that is being processed by the CCM_Communication standard process. The XML serialization of the input correspondence is defined by the CcmBomCorrespondenceInput XSD. You can find the B&OM XSD files here: <deploy root>\KCM\Documentation\<KCM version>\Resources\Schemas\Output Management


<ccm:Correspondence xmlns:ccm=””
    <ccm:Recipient Type="Customer">
    <ccm:Recipient Type="Intermediairy">
    <ccm:Slot Name="Cover">
      <ccm:SlotType Name="MySlotType">
    <ccm:Slot Name="Document"
      <ccm:SlotType Name="MySlotType">
    <ccm:Communication Label="Original" RecipientType="Customer" Channel="Email"/>
    <ccm:Communication Label="Copy” RecipientType="Intermediairy" Channel="Print"/>

The following information for the correspondence is available to the correspondence rules:

  • Contact data of the sender, if any.
  • Type and contact data of the allowed recipients.
  • Organisational metadata.
  • Composed slots. The following information is available:

    • Slot type
    • Slot identifier
    • Overlay to be applied, if any

  • Summary of the communications created for this correspondence at this point. For each created communication, the following information is available:

    • Communication label
    • Recipient type
    • Channel

Objects defined in the B&OM Repository are always referenced by their object names. In the input correspondence, this affects the slot type, the overlay of a slot, and the channel of a created communication.