SubmitAsyncEx2 results

To receive SubmitAsyncEx2 results, a web service must implement the function ReplyAsyncEx2 if the request was sent using the bare variant (itpserver.asmx), or the function ReplyAsyncEx2Wrapped if the request was sent using the wrapped variant (itpserverwrapped.asmx).

These functions receive the following parameters:

  • jobResult

    The result/error indication of running the job (in string format).

  • outKeyValues

    An array of key/values sent by the KCM Core Service.

  • outDocuments

    An array of files generated by the KCM Core Service.

  • progress

    An array of progress messages sent by the KCM Core Service.

  • CorrelationId

    The call identification that was specified when submitting the job.

The function ReplyAsyncEx2(Wrapped) should return a result/error string that, except for optional logging, is discarded.