
You need to modify the KTADistributeDocumentPack exit point to script the distribution of Document Packs by Kofax TotalAgility (also known as KTA). By default, this exit point invokes the general KCM Core DistributeDocumentPack exit point, which means that distribution can be implemented in a general way through the DistributeDocumentPack exit point or through a KTA specific exit point.


Parameter Text DocumentPack;
Parameter Text Manifest;                           
Parameter Text DistributionChannel;          
Parameter Text OrganizationalMetaData;

The parameter DocumentPack indicates the location of the distributed Document Pack on the file system. The parameter Manifest indicates the location of the Manifest.xml. The Manifest.xml contains information on the content of the Document Pack. Distribution channel can be used to distinguish the purpose of the distribution. Possible values are: print, email, portal, and archive. The parameter OrganizationalMetaData indicates the location of the Organizational Metadata XML on the file system. The Organizational Metadata XML can be used to pass key value pairs on for distribution.

The DistributeDocumentPack exit point is invoked when the DocumentPackDistribute API call is invoked. The KTADistributeDocumentPack exit point is called when the DistributeDocumentPack exit point is called from one of the KTACCMDistribution contract types.