

Required / Optional


Instance!Number Required

Numeric ID from 1 to 99 for KCM instance to be started.

For Docker deployment, it is always set to 1.

Instance!DatabaseType Optional The type of the database to be used by the KCM Repository of the instance. Specify SQLServer or Oracle.
Instance!DatabaseMode Optional

Allowed values:

  • New - the database for the KCM Repository is expected to be empty.
  • Check - the database for the KCM Repository is expected to have content, with the same Partner and Customer.
  • Overwrite - the database for the KCM Repository is expected to have content, with different Partner and/or Customer.

If omitted, defaults to Check.

Instance!DatabaseConnectionString Optional

The ODBC connection string to be used by the KCM Repository server to connect to the database.

Make sure that the database exists on the database server and is empty.

Do not specify user name or password in this connection string. The database user account is configured using the specific parameters described below.

For SQL Server database, consider the following:

  • Default authentication method is SQL Server authentication.
  • Windows authentication is also supported. To enable it, leave out the database user and password parameters.


  • Required for connection to Oracle database or to SQL Server database using SQL Server authentication.
  • Can be omitted whenever you have a connection string that does not require a user and password, for example, for connection to SQL Server database using Windows authentication.

The database user account that KCM Repository server will use to connect to the database.

Required to connect to Oracle database or to SQL Server database using SQL Server authentication. Make sure the account has the required roles and privileges, as described in the KCM Repository database section of this guide.

Instance!DatabasePassword Optional.

Required for Oracle database user and for SQL Server connection using SQL Server authentication.

The database password that KCM Repository server will use to connect to its database.

The password cannot contain double quotes.

Instance!LicenseFile Optional. Mutually exclusive with Instance!LicenseServerUrl.

The location of the .xml file with the license information.

Instance!LicenseServerUrl Optional. Mutually exclusive with Instance!LicenseFile.

The URL to the KTA license server API, for example, https://<machine name>/TotalAgility/Services/Sdk/LicenseClient.

Instance!LicenseServerApiKey Optional. Required when Instance!LicenseServerUrl has a value.

The API key for the license server access.

Instance!LicenseServerIgnoreCertificate Optional. Defaults to false when omitted.

A boolean flag that determines whether the certificate of the license server should be verified (true) or ignored (false).

Instance!ExampleProject Required when Instance!DatabaseMode=New. Not permitted to be specified otherwise.

Boolean flag that specifies if the "InstallationTest" example project should be imported in the KCM Repository database.

Instance!DatabaseLoadFrom Optional.

Only allowed when Instance!DatabaseMode=New

Repository dump file to load into the repository database while starting the instance. When omitted, no database dump will be loaded.

See the Dump and load the Repository database section in the Kofax Communications Manager Repository Administrator's Guide for more information on creating database dump files.

Instance!ImportConfigurationFile Optional

Path to exported configuration file that will be loaded automatically when a KCM instance is installed. See the Export functionality and initialization of new components topic for more information.

If omitted, default initial configuration will be applied.


Required if


value was specified.

Boolean flag that specifies whether the exported configuration should be loaded with or without infrastructure. See the Export functionality and initialization of new components topic for more information.

Instance!ContinueInstallationOnFailedDatabaseCheck Optional

If set to True, it indicates that execution should continue even when the database access check returns a negative result.

This might result in a failure later, when the database connection cannot be established.

Security!TLSVersions Optional. Only permitted when there are no other running KCM instances. The versions of the TLS protocol that are supported by all KCM instances. Possible values are:
  • TLS_11_12_13. Allows TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3.

  • TLS_11_12. Allows TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2.

  • TLS_13. Allows TLS 1.3.

    At the moment, Microsoft Word does not support TLS 1.3. If you use TLS 1.3 only, you cannot open Word documents in KCM Designer.

When omitted, defaults to TLS _11_12_13.

TLS 1.3 requires support in Java, and support in .NET on the server OS. If you choose to use TLS_13 only, make sure that these requirements are met.

Registration!Partner Optional

Partner that will be specified when the new KCM instance is registered on the Contract Manager.

This information is stored in the KCM Repository database.

Partner information will be used for verification when the database is connected to another KCM instance.

Registration!Customer Optional

Customer that will be specified when the new KCM instance is registered on the Contract Manager.

This information is stored in the KCM Repository database.

Customer information will be used for verification when the database is connected to another KCM instance.


Required if the Contract Manager is installed remotely.

Otherwise, must be omitted.

The registration port of the Contract Manager.

Registration!ContractManagerLocation Optional

Specifies the Contract Manager location when registering the new KCM instance:

• If set to Local, the instance will be registered on the Contract Manager on the local server.

• If set to Remote, the instance will be registered on the Contract Manager on a remote server.

• If set to None, the instance will not be registered on the Contract Manager.
Registration!ContractManagerHost Required when the Contract Manager is remote or when a configuration with infrastructure is imported. Not permitted otherwise.

The host of the Contract Manager on which the instance will be registered.

Specify server name or IP address.

Registration!UseExampleWebApp Optional

A boolean flag that indicates whether an example web application will be created for this KCM instance.

Registration!ExampleWebAppName Required if Registration!UseExampleWebApp was set to True.

The name of the example web application that will be created for the instance.

Do not use "ccm" as the name of your example web application. For more information, refer to the Known Issues section of KCM 5.8 Release Notes.

Instance!DesignerAdministratorAccountPassword Optional

The password for the KCM Designer Administrator account.

For this password to be accepted by KCM Repository server, it must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have at least the minimal safe password length. Default minimum is 20 characters.
  2. Only contain letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and the "-" (En dash) and "_" (underscore) characters.

If omitted, or if the specified password does not meet the requirements, a default password will be generated.

This default password will only be available in the output console. To change it, refer to the Change your password topic in KCM Designer Help.

Required if the registration was changed and Registration!ContractManagerLocation is not None.

Optional otherwise, with default False.

Boolean flag that specifies whether to create a new contract:

  • If set to True, the contract for the instance will be created by the registration process.
If the registration process detects that the contract already exists, registration will fail.
  • If set to False, the contract for the instance is assumed to exist and be available.
The registration will fail if the contract does not exist, or if the contract exists and is already associated with another active KCM instance.
Registration!Force Optional

This parameter is only relevant when Registration!NewContract=False.

Boolean flag that specifies whether to overwrite an association between the existing contract and KCM instance:

  • If set to True, registration will not fail after detecting an existing contract associated with another active KCM instance – instead, this association will be overwritten.
  • If set to False, registration will fail.
Services!Password Required if either Instance!DatabaseUser or Instance!LicenseServerApiKey has a value.

The password for the KCM service account.

If you plan to configure the KCM instance by importing a configuration with infrastructure, this will also include KCM instance registration. In this scenario, the Registration!Partner, Registration!Customer, Registration!ContractManagerLocation, and Registration!ContractManagerHost parameters override the settings from the configuration file.