
You can use this functionality to pause longer interactive processes. ComposeInteractiveGetSuspendedSessionV1 retrieves a suspended session from <kcm_server>. It gets the session state that was returned by ComposeDocumenPackInteractiveStart as a parameter and returns new sessionfile that allows the KCM ComposerUI for HTML5 web application to proceed where it left off earlier.

This can only be done for interactive sessions that have been initiated with their allowsuspend field set to true.

The request requires the following fields next to the standard fields.

Field Type Description
ccmsessionid sessionid KCM Contract Manager session identifier. This is the KCM session identifier which was returned at the start of the interactive process that has been suspended.

The response contains the following fields in addition to the standard fields.

Field Type Description
sessionfile base64Binary A base-64 encoded binary representation of a KCM session archive data structure. This file can be used in ComposeInteractiveResumeSuspendedSessionV1 to resume the suspended interaction.