Document Pack Manifest XML

The Document Pack Manifest XML resides in the root of each Document Pack and describes the contents of the Document Pack. It specifies the slots where documents reside within the Document Pack.

Databackbone node

The databackbone node at the top level indicates either the result of the Data Preparation Template or the input databackbone when no Data Preparation Template is present in a Document Pack Template. Item elements (see below) also contain a databackbone node. They contain the Data Backbone after running the Document Template for that item.

Item node

Each top level item of the node refers to a slot within the Document Pack and describes all output produced for the slot. If no output is produced for the slot, the corresponding item is omitted from the manifest. Items can be related to a slot by their name attribute, which contains the slot ID provided that it has been defined in the Document Pack Template.

An item consists of subitems which describe the output for a channel configured for the project at time the Document Pack was composed. These subitems refer to the output formats associated with that channel. If an exception is defined for a channel, the subitem refers to the alternative output in appropriate formats.

If the top level item has subitems but it is marked empty, it means that the output for the configured channels is present, but no default output has been generated (see the differences for manifest versions above).

Closed Loop Identifier

This element is only present when Kofax TotalAgility has passed a Closed Loop Identifier on the request and/or the Document Template has modified it.


The documentpack element contains a version number at the top level. Starting from KCM 5.6.0, all Document Packs are produced in version 2, while previous product releases use version 1 of the manifest.xml file, or simply manifest.

The differences between version 1 and version 2 for manifests are listed below:

  • Manifest version 1: Specifies the default output for each slot and also the alternative output for each channel exception. The channels with no exceptions defined use the default output.

  • Manifest version 2: Specifies the output for each channel configured for the project, regardless if a channel exception is defined for the channel.

    Document Packs map the default output to the Word channel that contains the native Word and XML output. If the Word channel is not configured for the project, the output becomes empty.

  • Document Packs generated from a single Document Template: In manifest version 2, the top level databackbone node always refers to the input Data Backbone for these Document Packs. This behavior is compatible with manifests for Document Pack Templates without a Data Preparation Template. In manifest version 1, the top level of the databackbone node refers to the result Data Backbone for the Document Template.

The sections above assume that manifest version 2 is used.