
The euro function has been deprecated and is provided for compatibility purposes. Use the amount_in_words_euro function and explicit currency overrides for the format function instead (see amount_in_words_euro).

The euro function switches the amount_in_words and format functions between a localized currency and the Euro currency.

This function switches all currencies, including for countries that are not part of the eurozone.

 euro ( flag )

This function returns a value of type BOOL.

The function has one parameter:

  • flag, type BOOL. Set to TRUE to enable the Euro representation, FALSE to disable.

This function returns the previous state of the Euro representation.


amount_in_words (0.12) results in "zero pounds and twelve pence"

amount_in_words (0.12) results in "nul gulden en twaalf cent" (output language NLD)

format (12; "U,UUU,UU9.99") results in "øøøøGBP12.00"

euro (TRUE) enables the Euro representation

amount_in_words (0.12) results in "zero euro and twelve cent"

amount_in_words (0.12) results in "nul euro en twaalf cent" (output language NLD)

format (12; "U,UUU,UU9.99") results in "øøøøEUR12.00"

The euro function has been deprecated and is provided for compatibility purposes. Use the amount_in_words_euro function and explicit currency overrides for the format function instead.