Forms and QForms

KCM Designer features Form Editor for Forms. These Forms are not included into a Master Template during compilation but retrieved by KCM Core from the KCM Designer database once a Master Template is run.

FIELDSET variables are used to dynamically change the content of the Forms and to receive the answers provided by the user. For more information on dynamic Forms, see FORM. References to Fields in the Forms are inserted from the FIELDSETs.

The following table shows the format used to pass defaults and answers between a Template script and the dynamic Forms. As FIELDSET values always have type TEXT, some values must be encoded.


Example of content

Text Question

Any text

The Quick Brown Fox Jumps

Date Question

A date in the YYYYMMDD format


Choice Question

One or more values in comma-separated format. For more details, see create_csv and split_csv

first value, second value, third value

Checkbox Question

Y for checked, N for cleared


Number Question

A number formatted in the active output language
