Entry attributes

All entries have the following attributes:

  • Name

    Sets the name of the entry. This name is used in the Master Template development. It must begin with an uppercase character and can be followed by lowercase characters, uppercase characters, digits, and underscores.

    entry-name ::=

  • Master Template statement

    Determines whether the entry is single or plural. It can have the values WITH for a single entry to retrieve one record or FORALL for an entry where zero, one, or more records need to be retrieved.

    model-document-statement ::=
    MODEL_DOCUMENT_STATEMENT single-or-plural
    single-or-plural ::=
    |	FORALL

  • Data retrieval method

    Determines how to retrieve the data. Depending on the connection type specified in the DID module, this attribute can be the name or full path to a program, query, or special value. The data retrieval string that you enter here is stored in the DID. The content of the string is only verified during the Master Template execution.

    DATA_RETRIEVAL retrieval-name 

  • Key retrieval method

    Only relevant for main entries. Determines how to retrieve the data to show in the Key Selection window. Depending on the connection type specified in the DID module, this attribute can be the name or full path to a program, query, or special value. The data retrieval string that you enter here is stored in the DID. The content of the string is verified during the Master Template execution.

    key-retrieval ::=
    KEY_RETRIEVAL retrieval-name

  • Code page

    Sets the code page for the entry. KCM uses the code page defined in the DID module, if any. This attribute is used to translate the contents of Fields and parameters. During the Master Template execution, KCM determines the code page of the system on which it runs. Parameters passed to data retrieval or key retrieval are translated from the system code page to the code page defined in the entry. Fields yielded by data retrieval or key retrieval are translated from the code page defined in the entry to the code page used by the system.

    |	        ASCII
    |	        natural-number 

  • Export

    Optional. Defines if the entry should be exported from the DID module. You can import exported entries into other DID modules and use them as subentries. By default, the attribute is set to NO.

    entry-export ::=
    EXPORT_ENTRY yes-or-no
    yes-or-no ::=
    |	NO

  • List of formal parameters

    Optional. You can define formal parameters for an entry. The usage of the parameters is determined by data retrieval and key retrieval. The formal parameters are mostly used as a set of keys that determine which record or row to retrieve from the database.

    entry-parameters ::=

  • List of Fields

    Each entry contains at least one Field. Ensure that the data retrieval method delivers the defined Fields, with the correct data type and in the predefined order.

    entry-fields ::=

  • List of subentries

    Optional. You can define a list of entries to be used as subentries.

  • Database file

    Used by some connection types. When not used, it is silently ignored.

  • Database record ID

    Used by some connection types. When not used, it is silently ignored.

In addition to this set of parameters, an entry can have a calling connection attribute that depends on the connection type specified.