Archival and helpdesk

Archival or helpdesk option exports everything, including authorization. To export a project under a different name, use the "Export alias" setting. For more information, see Projects.

The "Archival or helpdesk" export makes a copy of the selected objects. It can be useful to archive some projects from KCM Repository before deleting them or to send a troublesome template to the helpdesk. This export type maintains authorization information.

If the export is used to send a troublesome section of KCM Repository to the helpdesk, do not change anything and export the section as is. Also, for security reasons, the global authorization of users (authorization granted to a user directly, not for a particular project) is not exported.

This export also exports the [in development] revision of objects. When KCM Repository data is archived, make sure to store a copy of the current version of the KCM Repository installers.

  1. To perform this export type, select the object to export and on the menu click File > Import/Export > Export.

    The Export dialog is opened.

  2. Select the option.
  3. Select the location to export the object.

    By default, when this export type is selected, all revisions of the object, its labels, and characteristics are always exported.

  4. Click OK.