KCM Core uploads a file to any host that understands the ARPANET File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

The host must run an FTPD daemon. This daemon must support the minimum requirements as described in RFC 959. All files are uploaded in binary (image) mode. Most hosts support anonymous uploads for the user "ftp" with any valid email address as its password.

KCM Core does not log the transmitted password.


   Passive(True or False);


  • File: Required. The file that KCM Core uploads.
  • Host: Required. The host where KCM Core uploads the file to.
  • Port: Optional. The number or symbolic name of the port that KCM Core connects to on the host. If this parameter is not specified, KCM Core uses the standard FTP port (port 21).
  • User: Optional. The User ID that KCM Core uses when connecting to the host. If this parameter is not specified, KCM Core connects as user "ftp" to initiate an anonymous FTP session.
  • Password: Optional. The password that KCM Core uses when connecting to the host. If this parameter is not set, KCM Core sends the user name to the host. Note that this password must be supplied in plain text (not encrypted).
  • Directory: Optional. Directory on the host where KCM Core uploads the file. If this parameter is not specified, KCM Core uploads the file to the default directory of the user with which it has connected to the host.
  • Passive: Optional. Indicates whether KCM Core should use Passive FTP to upload the file to the FTP server. This option should be False unless there is a firewall or NAT server between KCM Core and the FTP server.