
The function insert_signature inserts a signature line object in the result document during the Master Template execution. The properties of this object, such as signer, title, and so on, can be set through parameters.

 @(insert_signature ("John Doe"; title :=
"Director"; email := ""; ...))

The result of the function insert_signature is of type TEXT. This function has a variable number of parameters.

  1. signer, type TEXT. This is the name of the person who is expected to sign.

The result of the function insert_signature must be inserted in the result document to have effect.

In addition to the preceding parameter, the function insert_signature has a number of optional parameters which can only be used if they are specified by name:

  1. title, type TEXT. Sets the title of the signer.
  2. email, type TEXT. Sets the email address of the signer.
  3. instructions, type TEXT. Sets instructions for the signer.
  4. allow_comments, type TEXT. Gives the signer the ability to add comments when signing.
  5. show_date, type TEXT. Shows the sign date in the signature line.
  6. width, type TEXT. Width of the signature line.
  7. height, type TEXT. Height of the signature line.

The email parameter supports plain text values only. Hyperlinks are not supported.

The functionality of the function insert_signature is available for Master Templates in the Microsoft Word DOCX, HTML, and AiaDocXML outputs. In Quick Templates and Master Templates in other document formats, the use of this function is ignored.

The transformation from AiaDocXML to HTML turns signatures into a plain text.