
To view the list of parameters for AddKCM.exe, launch it without any parameters.




Deploy!RootPath Required The root drive or folder in which the KCM installation will be created.
Deploy!Docker Optional Boolean flag that specifies whether special configuration for Docker will be used. If omitted, defaults to False.

If you set this parameter to True, it disables SSL for internal communications. In this case, you have to omit the following parameters during installation:

  • InternalCertificate!KeystoreFile
  • InternalCertificate!KeystorePassword
  • InternalCertificate!Thumbprint

With SSL for internal communications disabled,KCM Control Center is also not supported and you should omit the PublicPorts!ControlCenter parameter.

Internal!HostName Required The internal host name of the KCM server. This must match with the Subject Alternative Name of the internal certificate.
InternalPorts!StartAt Required The starting point for the ports that must be opened on the internal KCM network.
PrivatePorts!StartAt Required The starting point for the ports that do not need to be opened on any network.
Services!User Required The user account to run the Windows services of KCM. You can specify a domain user account or a local user account.

When specifying a local user, place a period and backslash (.\) at the beginning.

Example: .\AdminUser.

Services!Password Required The password for the KCM services user account.
Webserver!ServiceUser Optional. When omitted, the web services account is not configured. The user account to run the web applications of KCM. You can specify a domain user account or a local user account.

When specifying a local user, place a period and backslash (.\) at the beginning of the parameter.

Example: .\WebUser.

Webserver!ServicePassword Required when Webserver!ServiceUser has a value. Not permitted otherwise. The password for the account to run the web applications of KCM.
Java!Home Optional. When omitted, the Java installation is not configured. The folder in which Java is installed in your system, either as JRE or JDK. This Java installation will be used for the KCM web applications.
Tomcat!Version Optional. When omitted, the Tomcat installation is not configured. The full version number of a Tomcat installation on your system. This Tomcat installation will be used for the KCM web applications.
Security!TrustInternalServers Optional If True, the certificate chain validation for connections between KCM components and the host name validation are suppressed. This way you can enable encrypted internal SSL connections without validating the identity of the internal server through the server certificate.

The parameter's default value is False.

PublicCertificate!KeystoreFile Optional. When omitted, the public certificate is not configured. The location of the SSL certificate file for securing connections to the Contract Manager.
PublicCertificate!KeystorePassword Required when PublicCertificate!KeystoreFile has a value. Not permitted otherwise. The password of the SSL certificate file for the Contract Manager.
PublicPorts!ContractManager Optional. When omitted, the Contract Manager port is not configured. The main access port for the Contract Manager to use.
PublicPorts!ControlCenter Optional. When omitted, KCM Control Center is not configured.

Should be omitted, if Deploy!Docker is set to True.

The port for KCM Control Center.
InternalCertificate!KeystoreFile Required. Should be omitted, if Deploy!Docker is set to True. The location of the internal SSL certificate file.
InternalCertificate!KeystorePassword Required. Should be omitted, if Deploy!Docker is set to True. The password of the internal SSL certificate file.
InternalCertificate!Thumbprint Required. Should be omitted, if Deploy!Docker is set to True. The thumbprint of the internal SSL certificate in the Windows certificate store.