Timeouts during components installation or start

The KCM installation and management tools impose timeouts on certain operations. You can increase these timeouts by means of configuration, as follows:

  1. Locate the KCMTools.ini file in the <deploy root>\KCM\Work\<version>\Management\Config folder.
    If no KCM components have been installed yet on the server, then this file is located in the InstallServer\Software\KCMTools folder of the extracted KCM package.
  2. Add or modify the [Global] IncreaseTimeouts setting, as follows:


    IncreaseTimeouts = <value>

    Here <value> is a number in milliseconds with which all timeouts will be increased.

The timeout increase only applies to the installation tools on the top level of an extracted KCM package, and to the management tools in the <deploy root>\KCM\Programs\<version>\Management folder, with the exception of ManageCM. The increase will be applied to all timeouts of these tools.