Revision numbering

When a file is revised, it is assigned a new version number. The number consists of a major and minor version number in the format <major>.<minor> with a period (.) as the separator. The first version of a file is 1.0. When the file is revised, the minor version number is incremented to 1.1, 1.2, and so on.

The major number is incremented when the entire project is revised. The major version number of individual files cannot be incremented.

Use the New Major action to create a new version of the project. The New Major action applies to all new versions. The current version of the project and each file is copied, labeled with the next major version number, such as 2.0, and made current.

Follow these steps to create a new major version:

  1. Make sure there are no locked files in the project. If there are, unlock them.
  2. Select the project you want to assign.
  3. Click Action > New Major.