Install the KCM Core MQSeries interface

To install the KCM Core MQSeries Interface, proceed with the following steps.

  1. Create a Windows Service by running the following command from the folder …/Apis/MQSeries:

    ITPMQSeries [-cfg <config>] -install <server> [<user> <password>]

    This table provides a description of the parameters used in the installation command.

    Name Description
    <server> The name of the KCM Core installation where the KCM Core MQSeries interface must submit its requests to.
    <user> The account under which the KCM Core MQSeries interface must be run.
    <password> The password for the <user> account.
    <config> The name of an alternative configuration file. This parameter should be used when multiple MQSeries interface Services are installed.

    If <user> and <password> are omitted, the KCM Core MQSeries interface is configured to run under the Local System account. If the KCM Core configuration is stored on a network drive, the KCM Core MQSeries interface must be configured to run as a user profile with network privileges.

  2. The KCM Core MQSeries interface service is installed under the name "Aia CCM Core <server> MQSeries Client" and configured to automatically start after a reboot.

    If an alternative configuration is specified, the name of this file is added to the name of the service to distinguish multiple instances.

  3. Start the KCM Core MQSeries interface Service from the Microsoft Windows Service Manager or reboot the server.