Export Batch & Output Management content

KCM supports the transfer of content from one Batch & Output Management installation to another.

This tool does not support KCM

5.2, 5.3, and 5.4.

To export, follow these steps:

  1. Export the content from the source B&OM installation into a single zip file using the ExportOutputManagementContent.exe tool. It resides in the following folder: <deploy root>\KCM\Programs\<version>\Management\Output Management.

    This tool is not an alternative to the regular Transfer Jobs option accessible from KCM Studio.
  2. Copy the .zip file from the machine of the source B&OM installation to the machine of the target B&OM installation.

  3. Stop the target B&OM installation, with the StopOutputManagement.exe tool.

  4. Start the target B&OM installation again using the StartOutputManagement.exe tool and use the OutputManagement!ImportContentFile and OutputManagement!ImportExistingSystems parameters to import parts of the exported content while starting up.

    This step is not available in KCM versions 5.6 and lower.


The ExportOutputManagementContent.exe tool creates an export of the repository database of Batch & Output Management, into a single .zip file. This export file contains all the existing systems, and for each system all its contained objects. It also contains the properties of each system.


Parameter Required / Optional Description
KCM!Version Optional

The version of the KCM installation to create an export for. Defaults to the currently active KCM installation and becomes required when there is none.

OutputManagement!ExportContentFile Required

The full path to the file where you want to save the content. This file must not exist already.

OutputManagement!ExportSystems Optional

Comma separated list of the names of the systems that will be included in the export. Can be used to restrict the export to specific systems only.

When omitted, all systems will be exported.