Define a slot type

  1. On the toolbar, click Select System to select the system to store the correspondence type.
  2. In the Navigator pane, on the Folder View tab, select the folder to store the correspondence type.
  3. In the lower Navigator pane, click New > Slot Type.
  4. Type the name for the slot type.

    A new tab appears.

  5. In the Form section, select the paper type for this slot type. This form is used for printing the pages of the documents that have this slot type.
  6. Optionally, you can provide custom properties for the slot type to be used by the correspondence and communication rules. To do so, select the Communication configuration tab and then enter or paste an XML file in the editor.

    The XML file must have a root node with name PluginConfig.


    When such an XML file is provided in the "Communication configuration" editor, the following information is inserted in the slots of that slot type, both in the correspondence and communication inputs (see the CcmBomCorrespondenceInput and CcmBomCommunicationInput XSDs, respectively):

    <ccm:Slot Name="2">
     <ccm:SlotType Name="SlotTypeOther">

    The top-level node is automatically renamed to Customs, and the namespaces are automatically set to the standard ccm (top-level node) and st (inner nodes) namespaces.

  7. Save the changes.