Manage Contract Manager data with ManageCM tool

This section describes the ManageCM tool functionality.


The ManageCM tool is designed to manage the KCM configuration data stored in the Contract Manager internal database. Using the ManageCM tool, you can, for example, define contract types, manage contracts, control instances, associate instances with contracts, and activate them.

The ManageCM tool resides in:

<deploy root>\KCM\Programs\<version>\Management\Contract Manager

Before you start

When using the ManageCM tool from the command prompt, start the command prompt with elevated rights.


The ManageCM command line has the following structure:

 ManageCM <cmd> <par>

  • <cmd>: A command flag that defines a command to be performed. Usage format: /flag
  • <par>: Parameters and flags that apply to the ManageCM command. There can be multiple, one, or none of them. Usage format: /parameter=value

Flags and parameters are case-insensitive. If the value contains spaces, the parameter should be enclosed in quotation marks.

To get help on the ManageCM tool, enter the command line with the /? parameter. For example:

  • ManageCM /? to get the list of available commands.
  • ManageCM /command /? to get help for the specified command.


ManageCM /CreatePartner

Notes on usage

  • Prior to performing a requested operation, ManageCM performs consistency checks. If the requested operation leads to a breakdown in the functionality, the ManageCM command fails.
  • Some commands provide the /Force flag that you can use to override particular consistency checks.
    • Do not use the /Force flag in the production environment.
    • You can use the /Force flag during development and testing if you plan to make configuration changes that may result in a breakdown.
    Errors lead to a complete rollback of the changes made to the KCM Contract Manager, unless specified otherwise.
  • Unless specified otherwise, configuration changes made by ManageCM do not take effect until the configuration is reloaded. To apply these changes, run the /ReloadConfiguration command on the server hosting the Contract Manager service.

    If this command option is not available, you can do any of the following:

    • Force a reload of the configuration by restarting the Contract Manager with StopContractManager.exe followed by StartContractManager.exe.
    • Visit the following URL: https://localhost:<cm_main_access_port> /ccm/Administration/ReloadDatabase
  • Changes you make to the standard contracts, contract types, or interfaces are lost during the upgrades. (Standard contracts are those with a partner named KCM or CCM.)