Creating secondary B&OM installation

This section describes how to create a secondary B&OM installation for a distributed B&OM setup.

Each secondary B&OM installation uses the databases and the storage folder of the B&OM primary installation, instead of having its own databases and storage folder.

To add one or more secondary installations, do the following:

  1. Run AddOutputManagement.exe with the parameter OutputManagement!Secondary=True to create a secondary installation.
    1. Use the OutputManagement!RepositoryDatabaseConnectionString parameter to refer to B&OM Repository database of the primary installation.
    2. Add the OutputManagement!RepositoryConfigFile and OutputManagement!UserRepositoryConfigFile parameters and point them to copies of the repository.config and UserRepository.config files of the primary installation.
      These databases will be verified for use by the secondary installation.

      For all parameters used in a B&OM installation, refer to the Parameters section of this guide.

  2. If you want to run the processes on both the primary and the secondary installations, make sure that all resource locations are specified by means of UNC paths reachable from both installations.
    This does not apply to the "request" and "output" folders of CCM_Registration and CCM_Distribution. As these folders are not allowed to be UNC paths, they are always interpreted as local to the computer on which the process is running.