Group the FORM content

QUESTIONs and TEXTBLOCKs that belong together can be grouped in groups.

BEGINGROUP "Group title"

The group title is of type TEXT. This text may contain HTML instructions that are passed to KCM ComposerUI for HTML5. This allows parts of the text to appear in bold or to insert a linefeed. The slash is used as the escape character in quoted text. Therefore HTML closing tags must be written as follows: <//b>. Using incorrect HTML tags may result in a damaged layout.

The content of the group is defined by QUESTIONs and TEXTBLOCKs that are between the BEGINGROUP and ENDGROUP instruction. In addition to QUESTIONs and TEXTBLOCKs, groups can contain other groups and tables (see Group the FORM content in TABLE).

TEXT answer1
TEXT answer2
TEXT answer3

FORM "This is an example"
  TEXTBLOCK "Answer the following questions"
  BEGINGROUP "Group 1"
    QUESTION "This is the first question"
    ANSWER answer1
    QUESTION "This is the second question"
    ANSWER answer2

  QUESTION "This is the third question"
  ANSWER answer3

In the example, a form contains a group titled Group 1 that contains two questions. In addition, the form contains a TEXTBLOCK and a third question that are not in the group.