Creating primary B&OM installation

This section describes how to create a primary B&OM installation for a distributed B&OM setup.

Each distributed B&OM setup shares a single configuration amongst its installations, as well as the storage folder. In order to create such a setup, you first need to setup a primary installation to share configuration and storage folder.

To create a primary installation, do the following:

  1. Run AddOutputManagement.exe with the parameter OutputManagement!Secondary=False to create a primary installation. During the installation, make sure the database host is referred to either by computer name or IP address. This concerns the OutputManagement!RepositoryDatabaseConnectionString and OutputManagement!RuntimeDatabaseConnectionString parameters.

    For all parameters used in a B&OM installation, refer to the Parameters section of this guide.

  2. Replace the default storage folder with a shared folder that can be accessed from both the primary and all secondary installations using the exact same path.
    1. In KCM Studio, on the Administration tab, click System Administration and then click the system object.
    2. In the Object Inspector, locate the KCM Configuration section, and change the Storage folder settings to the shared folder preferably using an UNC path.
  3. Configure the KCM/Core and KCM/Repository host that you want several B&OM processes to use on both primary and secondary computers. You can choose to have them all share a single host that has KCM/Core installed, or have then all refer to the KCM/Core installation that each B&OM installation has installed locally.
    1. In KCM Studio, on the Administration tab, click System Administration and then click the system object.
    2. In the Object Inspector, locate the KCM/Core and KCM/Repository sections and adjust both Host properties, if necessary. Specify localhost if you want each B&OM installation to refer to the KCM/Core installation on its own server.
    3. If all B&OM installation share a single KCM/Core installation, configure it to accept remote connections. In KCM/Core Administrator, go to the DP Manager tab, and enable remote access to the Security section. Make sure the changes are saved and applied.