Word processor settings

The settings below affect the result document. Note that all of these settings are supported only for Microsoft Word DOC documents, except ITPINCLUDELEVEL which is supported for all formats except Microsoft Word DOCX.

The Microsoft Word DOC format has been deprecated in KCM 5.7.0.

Setting Default Description
ITPCOMPATIBLEFIELD N Enable this setting if you don't want to handle KCM instructions within Microsoft Word fields.
ITPCOMPATIBLEFORM N Enable this setting if you don't want to handle KCM instructions within Microsoft Word Form Fields.
ITPEXPANDVISFIELD Y Disable this setting to disable the handling of KCM instructions within the visible part of Microsoft Word fields.
ITPCOMPATIBLEBOOKMARKS N Enable this setting to deactivate the range support of bookmarks.
ITPINCLUDELEVEL 16 Maximum number of nested documents allowed when using the built-in __INC(…) support.
ITPWFWSUBDOCS N Enable to have the built-in __INC(…) support include subdocuments into a master document.
ITPCOMPRESSLISTS Y When set, this setting will remove the left overhead if multiple included documents contain the same named bulleted/numbered styles.

It strips list overrides from includes which do not use their overrides or where the override has been removed due to style re-mapping.

This might not work if each include uses at least one list override.

ITPLISTSUPPORT Y This setting includes the bullet/numbering gallery from the Master Template document into the Master Template for later use in the result document.