
Use the command CreateDocumentPack to create a new Document Pack or activate a Document Pack that was previously copied or closed.

The command CopyDocumentPack fails if there is no active session or if there is already an active Document Pack in the session.


	     Name (<text>)
	     LoadFrom (<text>);


  • Name: Required. Specifies the name for the directory in the session directory that will contain the contents of the Document Pack. The name must be limited to the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, underscores and dashes. If the directory already exists, the content is treated as an unpacked Document Pack file.
  • LoadFrom: Optional. Import the contents from a file into the Document Pack. This file must have been created using the command SaveDocumentPack.

The command CreateDocumentPack supports the following scenarios:

  • Create a new Document Pack and then use ITPRun Result (_document_pack) OutputMode ("pack") …; to create content.
  • Activate a Document Pack with the indicated Name in the session that was previously copied using CopyDocumentPack or discarded using CloseDocumentPack KeepTree (True).
  • Load a previously saved Document Pack from disk using the LoadFrom parameter. This file must have been created using the command SaveDocumentPack (see SaveDocumentPack).