Define a channel for archiving

Archiving in KCM B&OM is carried out by means of channels. In order to implement archiving, perform the following steps:

  1. Create one or multiple dedicated channels for archiving (for instructions, see the previous section).
  2. In the Output behavior section, make the following selection:

    • If you need an electronic archive channel, select Separate. In this case, all documents in the communication will be archived separately.
    • If you need a print archive channel, select Combined. In this case, the entire communication will be archived.

  3. Create correspondence rules to determine which copies of the communication need to be sent for archiving.

    In the correspondence rules, you need to add a CreateCommunication clause for every communication that needs to be archived, with its own Label.

    For more information on creating the rules, see About correspondence rules.

  4. Create communication rules for the archived communications.

    For more information on creating the rules, see About communication rules.

    Example 1 (no archiving)

    <CorrespondenceRule Reference="Customer">
      <CreateCommunication Label="Customer"/>
    <CommunicationRule Reference="RecipientCustomer"/>
      <MatchCommunication WhenXPath="@Label = 'Customer'"/>
      <SelectRecipientType><Text Value="Customer"/></SelectRecipientType>
    <CommunicationRule Reference="ContentCustomer"/>
      <MatchCommunication WhenXPath="@Label = 'Customer'"/>
      <SelectSlots WhenXPath="1=1"/>
    <CommunicationRule Reference="ChannelCustomer"/>
      <MatchCommunication WhenXPath="@Label = 'Customer'"/>
      <SetChannel><Text Value="Print"/></SetChannel>

    Example 2 (archiving added)

    <CorrespondenceRule Reference="Customer">
      <CreateCommunication Label="Customer"/>
      <CreateCommunication Label="CustomerArchive"/>
    <CommunicationRule Reference="RecipientCustomer"/>
      <MatchCommunication WhenXPath="@Label = 'Customer' or @Label = 'CustomerArchive'"/>
      <SelectRecipientType><Text Value="Customer"/></SelectRecipientType>
    <CommunicationRule Reference="ContentCustomer"/>
      <MatchCommunication WhenXPath="@Label = 'Customer' or @Label = 'CustomerArchive'"/>
      <SelectSlots WhenXPath="1=1"/>
    <CommunicationRule Reference="ChannelCustomer"/>
      <MatchCommunication WhenXPath="@Label = 'Customer'"/>
      <SetChannel><Text Value="Print"/></SetChannel>
    <CommunicationRule Reference="ContentArchive"/>
      <MatchCommunication WhenXPath="contains(@Label,'Archive')"/>
      <DeselectSlots WhenXPath="@Name = 'Terms and Conditions'"/>
    <CommunicationRule Reference="ChannelArchive"/>
      <MatchCommunication WhenXPath="contains(@Label,'Archive')"/>
      <SetChannel><Text Value="Archive"/></SetChannel>

    In the second example, the following modifications are made for the archived communications:

    • The CustomerArchive communication is created next to the communication Customer.
    • SelectRecipientType is set to select the same recipient for CustomerArchive as for Customer.
    • SelectSlots is set to select the same recipient for CustomerArchive as for Customer.
    • DeselectSlots is set to remove Terms and Conditions from the archived communications.
    • SetChannel is set for the archived communications.
  5. Using the configuration functions, configure the bundling, stacking, streaming, and conversion components to determine the properties of the archived communications.
  6. Depending on the archive type, proceed with the following steps:
    • If the archive channel is an electronic channel, you need to modify the Electronic Delivery exit point on KCM Core. The exit point script resides here: [drive]\KCM\Work\<version>\Instance_<number>\core\Scripts\User Library.

    • If the archive channel is a print channel, you need to create a new, separate CCM_Conversion process to ensure that the print files for archiving get into a separate folder.

      For example, create CCM_ConversionArchiving.

      To do so, you need to create a new process in KCM Studio and then copy the content of the standard CCM_Conversion process script, modifying it for archiving:

      • For the new CCM_Conversion process, you need to manually create and configure a dedicated watch folder to process the files for archiving, and a separate output folder.
      • In the new script, you need to set the SelectByChannelName function to the name of the new archive channel.

  7. Save the changes.