Components: import correspondence

An import correspondence consists of the following attributes:

  • A correspondence Reference. This is an external identification.
  • Optional. Brand. The brand identifies the style to be used in the HTML version of the HTML cover letter. This attribute is only used if the cover letter is not an HTML template and needs to be converted to HTML with a style sheet.
  • Optional. Sender. The sender describes the contact data of the sender of the correspondence. The active contact configuration object defines which fields are allowed in contact data.

    Each field may have an XML element with its name and simple text content. Nested nodes are not allowed.



  • One or more Recipients. The recipients describe the contact data of the possible recipients of the correspondence. Each recipient is named with a type, and can be referenced and selected by this type. The active contact configuration object defines which fields are allowed in contact data. Each Recipient has a Type attribute, which may have subnodes for each allowed field with names and simple text content. Nested nodes are not allowed below that point.


      <ccm:Recipient Type=”Customer”>
      <ccm:Recipient Type=”Intermediary”>

  • Zero or more OrganisationalMetadata values. An organizational metadata value is a key/value pair accessible from the KCM components that process the correspondence, to implement custom behavior. The active organizational metadata configuration object defines which keys are allowed. It is required to have keys without a defined default value.

    Each key may have an XML element with its name and simple text content. Nested nodes are not allowed.



  • DocumentPackTemplate. The Document Pack Template refers to a definition in KCM Repository by a combination of a project and a name. Additionally, a correspondence type linked to the Document Pack Template must exist in B&OM Repository.