Include additional pages for stack, envelope, or document

The following exit points are available to add separator pages before a stack, envelope, or document:

  • OnStackStart
  • OnEnvelopeStart
  • OnDocumentStart

The following exit points are available to add separator pages after a stack, envelope, or document:

  • OnStackEnd
  • OnEnvelopeEnd
  • OnDocumentEnd

To configure the context for the exit points, follow these steps:

  1. In the Navigator lower pane, find and double-click CCM_Streaming.

    The process appears in the central pane.

  2. Click Processing component Streaming in the lower central pane.
  3. In the Action section on the right, set the relevant parameters to a script that has the StreamingUnit context.

    When the parameters are set, the configured script is called automatically whenever a stack is processed.

To create and modify the scripts, use the functions and variables listed in Properties of the StreamingUnit context.

Example script

  Label = GetOrganisationalMetadata ("Label")
  Label = "Generic Corporate Brand"

If (HasSender)
  Label = Label + " :: " + GetSenderData ("Department")

If (HasRecipient)
  Agent = GetRecipientData ("AgentName")

Page = stream.LoadDocument ("C:\Templates\Banner.pdf", OdinDuplexSetting.Simplex, "blank", "blank")
Page.EditPage (0)

Page.SetFont ("Courier New", 12)
Page.TextOut (75, 51, Label, false, false)
Page.TextOut (75, 60, Agent, false, false)

stream.AppendDocument (Page, false, false) 
This example loads the Banner page stored in the PDF format from the C drive, inserts the retrieved fields, and then appends the page as a separator page to the output stream.