Add a Service to create a script

  1. Start KCM Core Administrator.
  2. In the tree view, click the Services node.
  3. On the Services tab, click Add Service.
  4. Enter a Service name and click OK.

    The corresponding Script Editor appears.

  5. Make necessary changes and click File > Save.

    To write a script in multiple stages, you can simply save a script without compiling it and go back to it any time later.

  6. Close the Script Editor.
  7. Click Save & Apply to save and apply the changes.
  8. New or edited instruction in a script only becomes effective after compiling the script and restarting the KCM Document processors. To compile the new script, click the new Service.
  9. On the Services tab, map the script parameters to the request or job parameters known by their sequence number.

    The following is an example of what you may add to the list.

    Script parameter		Value (job parameter)
    Template			     $1
    ResultDocument  $2 

  10. In the tree view, click the Services node once again.
  11. On the Services tab, click Compile.

    You will receive a notification about the compilation result.

  12. Click Save & Apply.

    The affected KCM Document Processors are restarted. KCM Core might be unavailable for some time.

    To remove a Service, navigate to Services, click the Service to delete, and then click Remove Service on the toolbar. When a Service is removed, its script is not removed and remains in the Scripts folder of the KCM Core setup for future use.