Code page mapping files

The user can provide custom code page mapping files, which should send a mapping from a specific single-byte code page to Unicode.

These files should follow this naming convention: CP-nnn.cpt, where nnn is the decimal number of the code page. The file should contain a set of mappings:

<Single byte code>:  <Unicode equivalent>

Each mapping should be on its own line. You can add comments using a hash.

The codes can be specified in decimal notation (default) or hexadecimal notation (prefixed with "0x").

# Sample codepage translation table, using hexadecimal encoding
# Format: <single-byte>: <unicode> # <comment>
0x00: 0x0000 # Map NUL to NUL
# ... more lines here.
0x20: 0x0020 # SPACE
0x21: 0x0021 # !
0x22: 0x0022 # "
0x23: 0x0023 # #
0x24: 0x0024 # $
0x25: 0x0025 # %
0x26: 0x0026 # &
0x27: 0x0027 # '
0x28: 0x0028 # (
# ... 

Single-byte characters not specified in this file are considered unmappable and cause a translation error if KCM Core encounters them.

KCM Core looks for the code page mapping files in the bin directory of KCM Core. You can configure an alternative location by adding the setting CodepageDir=<location> to the [Configuration] section of the dp.ini file.