Create and edit a DID

This procedure shows how to create a DID from a DID document.

  1. Start KCM Designer for Windows.
  2. In the project tree view, click the DIDs folder.
  3. On the menu, click File > New > New DID.
  4. In the New DID window, enter the following information:
    • In the DID Name field, enter the name. It is limited to 10 characters.

    • In the Identification (three-letter-code) field, enter a code to identify the DID during the Master Template development. The code must only contain capital letters. By default, it is set to KCM.

    • In the DID Module platform list, select a platform. The platform defines the connection type used to connect to a database.

  5. Click OK.

    Microsoft Word opens a new DID document, containing all required attributes for the DID (DID definition) and an empty DID module.

    This example shows an empty DID document for the DID named TestDID with the ODBC connection type selected.

          (* Add main entries to this list *)
          (* Add DID defined functions to this list *)
    END_DEFINE_DID (* TestDID *)
       NAME           "TestDID"
       (* Insert the DID entry definitions here *)

  6. Make the necessary changes to the DID document using the specification language. For information on the DID document syntax and examples, see DID document syntax. For information on the connection types, see Configure connection types.

  7. On the ITP/MDK tab, click Create DID.

    The DID is created for the DID document.

  8. Save the changes and close the DID document.
    • To edit or view the DID document, right-click it and click Edit or View, respectively. These actions are only available for DIDs created in KCM Designer for Windows.

    If a DID document is included in another DID, do not change its name.