Create a contract

The /CreateContract command creates a new customer with a new contract. You can optionally populate this contract with a contract type and associate it with an instance.

You will need to specify a partner to which the new contract belongs. Make sure the partner exists, as it is not created by this command.


This command has the following parameters and flags.


Required / Optional Description
/Host Optional The server hosting the instance to be associated with this contract.
/Instance Optional The number of the instance to be associated with this contract.



Specifies the partner to which this contract belongs.

The partner must already exist, it is not created by this command.

/Customer Required Specifies the new customer to which this contract belongs.

This customer will be created.

/Export Optional /Export=Y enables the export feature for reference projects; other values disable this feature.

This functionality is aimed at sharing a reference project KCM Designer project between different instances. This functionality exceeds the scope of this guide. To learn more, please contact your KCM sales representative.

To use the Export/Import functionality, ensure that both contracts have the same partner and are registered with the same Contract Manager.
/Import Optional /Import=Y enables the import feature for reference projects; other values disable this feature.
To use the Export/Import functionality, ensure that both contracts have the same partner and are registered with the same Contract Manager.
/Name Optional The name of the initial contract type to be assigned to this contact.

This contract type must exist; otherwise, the command will fail. You can assign either a default or a custom contract type.

/Version Optional The version number of the initial contract type to be assigned to this contact.
/OutputManagementHotfolder Optional The request folder for the Batch & Output Management component.

This folder must be accessible from the server on which the instance is running.

/Toolboxpath Optional Specifies the location of the ccmforword manifest-<KCM version>.xml file for KCM Toolbox for Word.

This location must be accessible to all users and listed in the Trusted App Catalogs section in Microsoft Word.

To create an empty contract, you only need the /Partner= parameter and the /Customer= parameter.


The following set of commands creates the customer Futterkiste, creates a contract under the partner Northwind, assigns the CCMInteractive version 2 contract type, and associates the instance 5 with the contract on the server host42.

ManageCM /CreateContract 
             /Partner=Northwind /Customer=Futterkiste
             /Name=CCMInteractive /Version=2
             /Host=host42 /Instance=5

A contract is unavailable for use until the instance is activated and the KCM Contract Manager is restarted or the configuration is reloaded.