Create a condition

  1. In the lower Navigator pane, right-click and then click New > Condition.
  2. Enter a name for the new condition and click OK.

  3. In the Object Inspector pane, click the Context property and then select the context for your condition.

    The context determines which objects can be assigned to a condition and which properties and functions are available. For more information, see Scripting contexts.

  4. Assign true or false to the variable Result as the result of the conditional statement.
  5. On the Script Note Editor Tools tab, in the Control section, click Compile compile button.

    Information about the compilation result appears in the Output pane.


You can use operators to link a number of logical expressions together in a condition. Enclose combined expressions in brackets to maintain their logical intent. You can nest logical expressions.

The following operators are available.




The attribute must be identical to the value.


The attribute must not be identical to the value.


The attribute must be less than the value.


The attribute must be greater than the value.


The attribute must be less than or equal to the value.


The attribute must be greater than or equal to the value.


The attribute cannot be empty.


Logical AND.


Logical OR.