Start a new Service

KCM Core provides Services. Jobs are submitted to a specific Service of KCM Core. The functionality of such a Service is determined by its script. When a Service is created, a script is also created. The name of the Service is the name of the script.

After a script has been created, its parameters must be mapped to call parameters, it must be compiled, and KCM Core must be restarted to activate the Service.

  1. Start KCM Core Administrator.
  2. In the tree view, select the Services node.
  3. Select the Services tab and click Add service.

    The New Service window appears.

  4. Enter a name for the new Service and click OK.

    The Script Editor opens.

  5. Make necessary changes to the script.

    This is written with an assumption that the source file exists and that the Server is allowed to write the result file.

    The following is an example script. You can copy it and paste into the required field if you want to practice.

    Parameter Text source_file;
    Parameter Text result_file;
    	src (source_file)
    	dest (result_file);

  6. Click File > Save and then close the Script Editor.
  7. Now you need to map the parameters. Click the new Service under the Services node and select the Service tab on the right.
  8. In the Script parameter column, enter the parameters as listed in the script.

    Example If you continue to create the example script, enter the following parameters.


    Each parameter must be on its own line and be spelled exactly as in the script.

  9. In the Value (job parameter) column, type the parameters in the order in which they are expected in the job call by entering a number preceded by $.



  10. Click Save.
  11. Now compile the script. All scripts are compiled at the same time. Click the Services node and select the Services tab.
  12. Click Compile scripts.

    If no problem is reported, you receive a notification that no errors are found. If there are errors, read the error report, correct the errors, and compile the scripts anew.

  13. Click Save & Apply to restart KCM Core.

    Now you can use your new Service.