Description of the TEXTBLOCK options


The TEXTBLOCK keyword indicates that a Text Block is inserted. It requires at least NAME or VAR.

NAME "folder\name of the (rich) text block"
NAME	"\folder\name of the (rich) text block"
NAME " of the (rich) text block"
NAME	"Myproject.\folder\name of the (rich) text block"

If a Text Block specification does not start with a backslash, KCM Repository searches for the object in a number of folders that were specified during project configuration. Text Blocks have their own search paths that can be configured on the Runtime tab of the project configuration window.

You can specify an absolute location when inserting an object. A backslash in front of the name or path of the object signifies an absolute location. The Text Blocks specified are searched for in that exact location. A backslash comes after a possible project specification.

If the Master Template refers to the Text Block with a name that includes the project, it searches for the object in that project. You can include the project to the reference by adding the project name and a dot in front of the actual name.

VAR variable

Use VAR if the name or folder and name of the Text Block is stored in a variable or a Field from a Field Set. If the variable or the Field contains more than one Text Block selected with a Text Block MULTISELECT question, the statement TEXTBLOCK handles all Text Blocks in the Field Set. As the Text Blocks are saved to the Field or variable as a CSV, you can also split the different Text Blocks in separate values using the split_csv function (for more information, see split_csv).

PARAGRAPH_SYMBOL "paragraph symbol"

This optional keyword is mainly used when a Text Block needs to be inserted in a table cell. PARAGRAPH_SYMBOL contains the paragraph symbol that holds the style applied to the Text Block. To insert this Text Block in a paragraph cell, declare the paragraph symbol in a table cell as well. A corrupted result document could be produced if an incorrect paragraph symbol is used.

STYLE_PREFIX "name of the prefix"

This optional keyword contains the prefix of the set Text Block styles that needs to be applied to this particular Text Block.

If this parameter is left empty, KCM searches for the Text Block styles with the ITP prefix.

TABLE_STYLE_PREFIX "name of the prefix"

This keyword is optional. It contains the prefix of the Text Block table styles to apply to this particular Text Block. This keyword has no effect on tables in a Rich Text Block.

If this parameter is left empty, KCM searches for the Text Block table styles with the prefix set by the STYLE_PREFIX parameter. If the STYLE_PREFIX parameter is also left empty, KCM searches for the Text Block table styles with the ITP prefix.

ASSIGN_TO variable

This keyword is optional. You can use it if the Text Block should be stored in a variable and not printed at the location where the statement TEXTBLOCK is called.

QFORM qform

This keyword is optional. You can use a QForm to ask the end-user questions to provide answer for Fields that do not have values yet. The end-user is only asked questions for the Fields that are also used in inserted Text Blocks. You can only use a QForm when you insert a Text Block.


This keyword is optional. If this keyword is used, the paragraph marker at the end of the final paragraph of the Text Block is omitted. This can be used to treat Text Blocks as text fragments.

If the Text Block ends with a list element, the final paragraph marker cannot be omitted.


This keyword is optional. The TEXTBLOCK statement uses the Data Backbone to replace any fields in the Text Block with the corresponding values from the Field Sets. If the keyword DATA_DEFINITION NONE is specified the Field Sets are located in the scope of the TEXTBLOCK statement instead of in the Data Backbone.

PATH variable


This keyword is optional. If this keyword is omitted, the TEXTBLOCK statement determines the location of the fields based on the context within the current nested FOREACH WIZARD / FOREACH NODE statements.

The PATH keyword overrides this specifies an explicit context. The value for the PATH keyword must be a value retrieved from the .Path field in a FOREACH WIZARD / FOREACH NODE variable.

The special value PATH NONE disables the automatic derivation without providing an explicit context.