Create a Document Pack

KCM Core manipulates Document Packs in the context of a session. The session context is used to store the contents of the Document Pack as a directory tree.

Each session can have one active Document Pack. All operations manipulate the contents of this active Document Pack. It is possible to store multiple Document Packs in a session, and activate/deactivate them as required. If a session is closed or expired, all Document Packs are cleaned up as well.

A script sets up a Document Pack using the command CreateDocumentPack. For more information, refer to the following topic: CreateDocumentPack.

CreateDocumentPack Name(…);
CreateDocumentPack Name(…) LoadFrom(…);

When the command CreateDocumentPack is completed, the session has an active Document Pack and KCM Core sets up the following:

A directory structure within the session identified by the Name (available through the constant _document_pack).

If a Document Pack file is specified through the LoadFrom parameter, the file is unzipped in the directory and the contents are validated to confirm that the file is a Document Pack.

If the directory already exists within the session, the contents of the directory structure are imported, reactivating the Document Pack.