MAP is an array that uses a TEXT value as an index.

MAPs are an extension to regular ARRAYs as they allow any text to be used as an index. This gives you the ability to use complex information (such as social security numbers, policy numbers, car license numbers, and so on) as index entries.

MAPs need to be declared before they are used.

The following requirements apply to MAP:

  • TYPE can be BOOL, NUMBER, TEXT, FIELDSET, or any data structure TYPE.
  • The MAP name must start with a lowercase character and is limited to lowercase characters, digits, and underscores. Spaces are not allowed.
  • The name must be unique in the scope where it is declared.
  • MAP variables can be used wherever regular variables of the same TYPE can be used.

The number of elements in MAP in a Template script grows as required and is limited by the amount of memory available.