
Calls a script from the same system.

Only the existing variables can be passed in inputVariables and inputVariables.


CallSystem(scriptName: String)

CallSystem(scriptName: String ,inputVariables: String)

CallSystem(scriptName: String ,inputVariables: String ,outputVariables: String)


scriptName Name of the script to execute.
inputVariables Comma-separated list with the names of the variables to pass.
outputVariables Comma-separated list with the names of the variables to pass. These variables are also those returned.

RETURN Comma-separated list with the names of variables to pass.


Call a script with no variable passing:


Call a script passing input variables:

Amount1 = 1

Amount2 = 2

CallSystem("callTestScript", "Amount1,Amount2")

In this example, callTestScript is called from the system and the variables Amount1 and Amount2 are available in the called script.

Call a script passing input variables and defining target variables:

Amount1 = 1

Amount2 = 2

CallSystem("callTestScript", "Amount1=Number1,Amount2=Number2")

In this example, the script callTestScript is called from the system and the variables Amount1 and Amount2 are available as the variables Number1 and Number2 in the called script.

Call a script passing input variables and output variables

Amount1 = 1

Amount2 = 2

CallSystem("callTestScript", "Amount1,Amount2", "Sum")

Protocol("Sum of Amount1 and Amount2: {0} ", 0, Sum)

In this example, the script callTestScript is called from the system and the variables Amount1 and Amount2 are available in the called script.

After the script is called, the variable Sum from the called script is passed back to the calling script and is available for further processing.