Lifecycle management

This section describes the lifecycle management that KCM Repository provides for content.

Some revisions have a special status. Those revisions have a revision icon and a status text.

Revisions are part of the lifecycle management. The lifecycle of an object starts when you create a new object, which automatically gets the status [in development] when you close and save it. When you unlock this object, it gets the status [draft]. If a revision is tested and meets the requirements, it is promoted to the status [accepted]. To make an object available for the production run, it has to be promoted to the status [published].

[in development]

At most one revision of an object has the status [in development]. An [in development] revision exists if a user has locked an object either for editing, for template creation, or if a DID has just been loaded. The [in development] revision is the working non-public copy of the user who has locked the object.


There is always just one [draft] revision for an object. It is possible to have no [draft] revision when a new object has never been unlocked. In that case, there is a [in development] revision, but no [draft] revision. The [draft] revision can be regarded as the most recent public version of the object. When an object gets unlocked, the last saved working copy automatically loses its [in development] status and becomes the [draft] revision.


The marking [accepted] is only available for run-time objects, that is, for Master Templates and dynamic objects (see About Master Templates). At most a single revision of a run-time object may be marked as [accepted]. This may also be the [draft] revision so a Master Template script revision may be both [draft] and [accepted]. Failed objects and [in development] revisions cannot be made [accepted].


The status [published] reflects that a revision is used in production runs. The marking [published] is only available for run-time objects. Only a revision marked as [accepted] can be marked as [published]. After marking a revision as [published], its previous [accepted] marking is automatically removed.