Saclient.exe and swclient.exe

The command line programs saclient.exe and swclient.exe are provided to facilitate submitting a job to KCM Core using TCP/IP.

Saclient submits a job to KCM Core using TCP/IP sockets from an ASCII environment and swclient does the same from a Unicode environment.

Starting saclient on a command line without parameters returns all options and the syntax.

Usage: saclient.exe [-s|-r|-t|-c|-e|-k|-d|-i
sessionID|-a] host port jobid service [parameters]

The following table describes options that you can use.


Sends a synchronous request


Allows the client to receive files from the server [implies -s]


Allows the client to send files to the server [implies -s]


Confirms disconnect


Enables the exchange_data function calls [implies -s]


Enables Verify Connection (This corresponds to OPTION_VERIFY_CONNECTION extended attributes of the SUBMITJOB4/ SUBMITJOB5 data structure).


Disables the packet size optimizations done by the Nagle algorithm. This option improves responsiveness significantly at the cost of increased network traffic


Runs the job in the KCM Core session specified by the given session ID


Runs the job once on every available KCM Document Processor [disables -s]

For a complete description of these settings, see SUBMITJOB4 and SUBMITJOB5.

In addition to saclient.exe and swclient.exe, a third program called winclient.exe is provided. This is a variation of saclient.exe, created to solve specific printer switching problems with saclient.exe in a Windows environment. You should use saclient.exe instead.