Add a Field to a Field Set

  1. Click the project and locate to the Field Sets folder in the tree view.
  2. Right-click the Field Sets folder and click New > New Field Set.

    The new Field Set appears under the Field Sets folder. You can change the name of the Field Set.

  3. Right-click the new Field Set and click Edit.

    The Field Set editor is opened.

  4. Click Add to add a Field to the Field Set.
  5. When the Field is added, click Edit to assign a default value, a description, and a format to the Field.

    The default value is used if the Field is used in a Text Block and no other value has been assigned to it yet. Default values of Fields are not shown for Fields used in Master Template scripts, Forms, or Content Wizards.

    The selected format determines how the content of the Field is presented (formatted) when that Field is used in a Text Block. The selected format is not applied to Fields used in Master Template scripts, Forms, or Content Wizards, but only to Fields used in Text Blocks.

    You can select the following formats. The result of the applied format is language dependent. This applies to the thousand separators and the date representation.

    Format Description


    No formatting is applied to the content of the Field. The content is presented as is.


    Presents the content of the Field as a date. The day and the year are presented as numbers; the month is presented as the month's name. The Field must contain a numerical date value.

    The result depends on the output language.

    Example 20160621


    English US: June 21 2016

    English UK: 21 June 2016

    Dutch: 21 juni 2016


    Rounds the numerical content of the Field to two decimals and adds thousand separators, if applicable. Use this format if the numerical content of the Field should be represented as money amounts. No currency signs or other additions are added. The Field must contain a numerical value.

    Example 1234.56

    Result 1,234.56

    numerals without format

    Rounds the numerical content of the Field to zero decimal positions. No thousand separators are added. The Field must contain a numerical value.

    Example 1234.56

    Result 1235


    Represents the text content of the Field in uppercase characters.

    Result NEW YORK


    Represents the text content of the Field in lowercase characters.

    Result new york

    The formats that expect the Field content to be a number (amount, numerals without format, and date) only provide output for the content up to the first non-numerical character. For example, if the Field contains the text "12.99 euro," the result after applying the amount format is "12.99" only.

    The format you select here is linked to built-in functions of the KCM Template Script. To learn more on these functions, see the Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide. These linked functions cannot be overridden by user defined functions.


    Corresponding Template scripting language function





    numerals without format






    Selecting a format does not change the content of a Field. It only determines how the content of a Field is presented when that Field is used in a Text Block. This means that the selected format does not affect conditions used Forms or Content Wizards.

    Combine default value and format

    If both a default value and a format are specified on a Field and the default is used in the Text Block, then the Format is applied to the specified default. This means that the default value should be specified unformatted. In other words, the default value should be correct input for the applied format. For example, you should specify the default for a Field that represents a date and therefore has the Date format set in the ITP date format YYYYMMDD. For example, 20110621. When that default is then presented in a Text Block, it may be shown as June 21 2011.

  6. Click OK and then click Save and Close.