Views columns in KCM Studio

To get detailed information on the various KCM B&OM objects, in KCM Studio, on the Administration tab, click the button and a select a view. The following tables list and describe the columns that appear in each view.

View columns that have more than 8100 characters may show empty fields. To check the contents of such fields, copy them from KCM Studio to another application.

Table 1: Request Summary

Column Description
Request ID Identifier of the request.
Reference Reference of the request as set in the request XML.
Progress Progress of KCM B&OM in creating and distributing the output of this request, such as: Registered, In progress, Completed.
Correspondences The number of correspondences that are part of this request and divided into:
  • Number of correspondences successfully passed through CCM_Communication
  • Number of abandoned correspondences
  • Total number of correspondences

Initially empty. Set by CCM_Application and updated by CCM_Communication for each processed correspondence.

Communications The number of communications that are part of this request and divided into:
  • number of distributed communications (successfully passed through CCM_ElectronicDelivery or are part of a stack that successfully passed through CCM_Distribution)
  • number of abandoned communications
  • total number of communications

Initially empty. Updated by CCM_Communication for each created communication and by both CCM_ElectronicDelivery and CCM_Distribution for each distributed communication.

Registration time In UTC, time when the request record was registered (the same as the Creation time in the Request view).
Start time In UTC, time when the processing for this request is started (the same as the Start time in the Request view). Initially empty.
Completion time In UTC, time when all output of the request is either distributed by KCM B&OM or abandoned. Initially empty.

Table 2: Request

Column Description
Request ID Identifier of the request.
Reference Reference of the request as set in the request XML.
Status Current status of the request after being processed by CCM_Application: Waiting, Busy, Finished, Error, or Abandoned.
Creation time In UTC, time when the request record was created.
Start time In UTC, time when the processing for this request is started. Initially empty. Set by the CCM_Application standard process.
Finish time In UTC, time when the processing by CCM_Application for this request is finished. Initially empty. Set by the CCM_Application standard process.
Error time In UTC, time when an error occurred. Initially empty.
Error message Error message text. Initially empty.
Abandon time In UTC, time when the request is abandoned. Initially empty.

Table 3: Correspondence

Column Description
Correspondence ID Identifier of the correspondence.
Status Current status of the correspondence, such as: Waiting, Busy, Finished, Error, or Abandoned.
Correspondence reference Correspondence reference as set in the request XML.
Request ID Identifier of the correspondence request.
Request reference Request reference as set in the request XML.
Project KCM Designer project that contains the Document Pack used for this correspondence.
Document pack template Document Pack used for this correspondence.
Brand Brand as set in the request XML. Empty when no brand was entered.
Sender Sender as set in the request XML. Can be changed with the application rules. Empty when no sender is entered.
Recipients List of recipients for the correspondence.
Organisational metadata Organisational metadata of the correspondence.
Creation time In UTC, time when the correspondence record was created.
Start time Time when the communication for this correspondence is started. Initially empty.

Set by the CCM_Communication standard process.

Finish time

Time when the correspondence is finished. Initially empty.

Set by the CCM_Communication standard process.

Error time Initially empty. In UTC, time when the error occurred.
Error message Initially empty. Error message text.
Abandon time Initially empty. In UTC, time when the correspondence is abandoned.
Data Backbone Data Backbone used as input for this correspondence. Can be changed with the application rules.

DID keys

The keys used for this correspondence. The keys are concatenated into a single value, separated by a semi-colon. The XmlKey, if exists, is replaced with *XmlFile in this text. Can be changed with the application rules.

DID extras

The extras used as an input for this correspondence. The extras are concatenated into a single value, separated by a semi-colon. Can be changed with the application rules.

DID XmlFile

The XML data file for the DID user as an input for this correspondence. Can be changed with the application rules.

Optional document Optional document that is included in this correspondence as set in the request XML. Can be extended with the application rules.

Table 4: Communication

Column Description
Communication ID Identifier of the communication.
Communication type Type of communication, such as: Print or Electronic.
Status Current status of the communication, such as: Waiting, Busy, Finished, Error, or Abandoned.
Request Id Identifier of the communication request.
Correspondence ID Identifier of the correspondence for this communication.
Label Label as set by the correspondence rules to identify the communication in the correspondence.
Channel Channel used to deliver this communication.
Brand Brand as set in the request XML. Empty when no brand is entered.
Recipient type Recipient type to which the communication is delivered, as set in the communication rules.
Sender Sender as set in the request XML. Empty when no sender is entered. Can be changed with the application rules.
Recipient Recipient of the communication as selected by the communication rules.
Organisational metadata Organisational metadata of the communication.
Creation time In UTC, time when the communication record is created.
Start time Time when delivery is started. Initially empty.

Set by the CCM_PrintDelivery or CCM_ElectronicDelivery standard process.

Finish time Time when delivery is finished. Initially empty.

Set by the CCM_PrintDelivery or CCM_ElectronicDelivery standard process.

Error time Initially empty. In UTC, time when the error occurred.
Error message Initially empty. Error message text.
Abandon time Initially empty. In UTC, time when the correspondence is abandoned.

Table 5: Open Jobs

Column Description
ID Unique identifier of the job.
Envelope ID Identifier of the envelope where this job is incorporated. Initially not filled in.

Set by the CCM_Bundling standard process.

State Current state of the job, such as:
  • Created. Initial state after creation.
  • Rendition created. Converted to PDF.
  • Error creating rendition. Error while converting to PDF.
  • Disposed. Communication cover letter that is disposed. (This is a cover letter with Disposable set to "true" that is later replaced by a new cover letter during bundling.)
Seq. number Before CCM_Bundling, this is the sequence number of the job in the process. After CCM_Bundling, this is the sequence number of the job in the envelope. The sequence numbers start at 1.
Created at Time on the server when the job record is created.
Printername Printer for which print distribution is created. Initially not filled in.

Set by the CCM_Bundling standard process.

Form Form used when print distribution is created for this job.
Annex Reserved for future use.
Document Identifier of the slot from which this job originated.
Document type Format of the input document of the job, such as: DOCX or PDF.
Filename Full path to the input document of the job.
Rendition Full path to the PDF file of the job, which is generated from the input document.
Pagecount Number of pages of the job.
Papercount Number of papers needed for printing the job. Takes duplex printing into account. Adjusted by the CCM_Bundling standard process.
Simplex/Duplex Mode of file printing, such as:
  • Simplex
  • Duplex/horizontal
  • Duplex/vertical
Document collection - document-nr. Sequence number of the job in the process. The sequence number starts at 1.
Process ID Identifier of the process linked to this job.
Request ID Identifier of the request from which this job originated.
Correspondence ID Identifier of the correspondence from which this job originated.
Channel name Channel used to distribute the job.
Slot type name Slot type from which this job originated.
Cover letter flag Type of the cover letter in this job, such as:
  • 0. Not a cover letter
  • 1. Cover letter that cannot be disposed ("Disposable" set to "false")
  • 2. Cover letter that may optionally be disposed ("Disposable" set to "true")
Overlay file name Overlay to optionally apply to the job.
Overlay option Method to apply the overlay, such as:
  • 0. above page
  • 1. below page
  • 2. no overlay

Table 6: Processes

Column Description
ID Global unique identifier of the process.

Current status of the process, such as: Waiting, Busy, Finished, Error, or Abandoned.

Process state Current state of the process, such as:
  • Imported. Initial state after creation.
  • Rendition created. PDF variant is created for all process jobs.
  • Locked. Blocked for processing.
  • Delete. Marked for deletion.
Created at In UTC, time when the process record was created.
Title Label of the communication for which the process is created.
Error message Error message. Set when the process is in error.
Communication Id Communication for which the process is created.
Envelope Id Envelope where the process is incorporated. Initially not filled in.

Set by the CCM_Bundling standard process.

Seq. number Sequence number of the process in the envelope where it is incorporated. Initially not filled in. Set by CCM_Bundling standard process.

Table 7: Envelope

Column Description
ID Unique identifier of the envelope.
Status Current status of the envelope, such as: Waiting, Finished, Error, or Abandoned.
Stack ID Identifier of the stack containing this envelope. Initially empty.

Set by the CCM_Stacking standard process.

Seq. number Sequence number of the envelope in the stack where it is incorporated. Initially empty. Set by the CCM_Stacking standard process.
Channel Channel to distribute the envelope.
Created at In UTC, time when the envelope record was created.
Error message Error message. Set when the envelope is in error.
Postage Postage class selected for the envelope.

Set by the CCM_Bundling standard process.

Pagecount Number of pages in the envelope.
Sheet number / Papercount Number of papers needed for printing the envelope. Takes duplex printing and annexes into account.
Weight Weight of the envelope, which includes the number of papers, and the weight of the envelope cover. The weight is shown in grams.

Set by the CCM_Bundling standard process.

Name Name of the envelope definition (repository object) that applies to this envelope record (runtime object). Selected from the postage class.
Organisational metadata Organizational metadata of this envelope, in JSON.
Annex Reserved for future use.

Table 8: Stack

Column Description
ID Unique identifier of the stack.
Status Current status of the process, such as: Waiting, Busy, Finished, Error, or Abandoned.
Stacktype Current type of the stack, such as:
  • Streaming (20). Created, ready for CCM_Streaming
  • Convert (30). Streamed, ready for CCM_Conversion
  • Distribute (70). Converted, ready for CCM_Distribution
  • Finished (99). Print file created
Channel Channel to distribute the stack.
Printer Printer to distribute the stack.
Created at In UTC, time when the stack record was created.
Organisational metadata Organisational metadata of the stack.
Distributed at In UTC, time when the stack was distributed.
Error message Error message, only set when the stack is in error.
Streamfile Full path to the stream file created for the stack. Initially not filled in.

Set by the CCM_Streaming standard process.

Papercount Number of pages in the stack.
Pagecount Number of papers needed to print the stack. Takes duplex printing into account.
Job count Number of jobs contained in the stack.
Envelope count Number of envelopes contained in the stack.