Manage language packs

KCM supports eight languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Dutch. For KCM ComposerUI for HTML5, the set of supported languages is extensible. To add a language to ComposerUI for HTML5, you can enhance a KCM installation with a language pack.

In KCM, you can retrieve, translate, add, list, and remove language packs. To manage language packs, use the following tools that reside in <deploy root>\KCM\Programs\<version>\Management:

  • GetLanguagePack.exe
  • AddLanguagePack.exe
  • ListLanguagePacks.exe
  • RemoveLanguagePack.exe

Manage language packs during upgrade

The structure and contents of a language may change between different versions of KCM. On upgrading, you need to manually upgrade any custom language packs to reflect the new contents and structure and reinstall them.

We recommend that you follow these steps:

  1. Run GetLanguagePack.exe before the upgrade to obtain a copy of your existing custom language pack
  2. Run GetLanguagePack.exe after upgrade to obtain a copy of one of the pre-installed language packs, for example, the English language pack.
  3. Create a new custom language pack that follows the content and structure of the new pre-installed language packs by carefully copying the content from your old custom language pack where appropriate.
  4. Run AddLanguagePack.exe to install your new language pack in the updated KCM installation.